When did you leave Beckers? 2001
What did you do after you trained with us? Mustering, tourism, instructing
What are you doing now? Partner and Director in a Flight school
If flying, who, where and what are you flying? R22, R44 and Bell 206 Longranger...jsut going to fly the Bell 222 yeah...Airwolf baby
How many hours have you flown? 1000
Do you still keep in touch with other students from Beckers? Yes quite a few and recently recommended one for a job in Scotland which he got
Best or worst flying experience after Beckers? Best...mmm so many. Flying around the Lochs in Scotland, Flying an R44 around Arizona, taking my 85 year old gran flying
Advice to new students? Do keep the faith, if you want it enough you will make it Whether you say you can or you can't...your right
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