(pick of Martin to come - watch this space!)
What are you doing now? I am an all weather Search and Rescueco-pilot for HM Coastguard living in Shetland (60degrees North). I fly an S61N (pictured). Our mainbusiness is fishing boats/personnel in trouble andmedevacs from the islands or various oil rigs in theNorth Sea. I absolutely LOVE the 61 as it is verytough, reliable and has a nice big cockpit for tallpeople.
When did you leave Beckers? Left Beckers in 2000. I didall my JAR UK exams and flight test and one year later(after not having found any work), did my instructorrating. Found work in London flying R22s, R44s, B206etc. Got as much charter and teaching experience Icould, also flew H300CBs and B206L and then applied toNorth Sea companies after taking out a MASSIVE loan todo my instrument rating. (The opportunities in theNorth Sea still make it worthwhile for people to paytheir own way..). I have been doing SAR for a year(after having been sent flying 61s to oil rigs to getused to them). I will be paying off my training costsfor a long while yet, but it was so worth it!
Your best flying experience? Flying Rio Ferdinand from CardiffTremorfa Heliport to Heathrow (he's a big footballerover here). It was my first time into Heathrow. Marvellous!
Your worst flying experience? Losing RPM in the last 100 ftduring an auto with a student in an R22. Somehowmilked it back and then landed for a nice cup of tea!Aircraft undamaged.
Greatest challenge? Night flying. It never seems toget easier, but I don't have much experience at ityet. Everyone is (and should be) wary of flying at night
Flying history? I have 1500 hours and may possibly move tofly another type in the North Sea shortly to get somemore hours for captaincy (2500 needed). On the otherhand, I may stay here and get my S92 rating (coming in next year)
Do you keep in touch with other students from Beckers? Still in touch with Andrew Wanden from my student times. He and family live in West Australia.
Advice to people starting out? The same that Mike and Jan gave me as a student: Remember all the effort youput into studying for the exams? Well put the sameeffort into finding work and STAY TENACIOUS!
I do miss wonderful Oscar Charlie. What a fabulous machine... I will always prefer the older helicopters.
Best wishes,
Nice to hear you are doing well Martin - well done! I always thought it was a shame we parted company on the dismantling of a piano one late night at a silly party... Regards
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