When did you leave Beckers? March2003
What did you do after you trained with us? Back to switzerland obtained CPLH went back truking for 2 Yeahrs and now in Canada since Feb 06 obtained Canadian CPLH and looking for a job now here
What are you doing now? Hous Renovating and be a Husband
If flying, who, where and what are you flying? Bad but not yet
How many hours have you flown? Now i'm up to 160 h realy low i could juse a few more as a gift ....
Do you still keep in touch with other students from Beckers? not munch some with Josh and i would realy like to know where Steve Hedrington went ... dis bastard .... hehe...
Best or worst flying experience after Beckers? all traning was worse than with Mike and his Stuff
Advice to new students? Train with MIKE if you realy realy wanna go this Stony phad to become a foot in a door somewhere , it getting worse and worse over the whole World to get a job as a low hourly guy but somtime in the future there are no more Choppers while the pilots are missing for the work and then do it in may thake 10 to 15 Years ... then yes than do it .
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