It was back in 2006 since we last heard of Nigel and now 2 years later we catch up with him again. So ...
Where and what are you doing now?
I’m working for Great Barrier Reef Helicopter Group - based in Port Douglas FNQ.
Relocated family (now 2 kids 2 and a half and 12 weeks) and bought a house in Mossman Gorge in early 07 GBR are the largest Helicopter Tourism operator in Queensland with a fleet of R44, B206/206L and AS350’s.
I’ve been performing a combined role in Sales & Marketing and flying the line. Primarily I’ve been flying the R44 out of Port Douglas, but recently came to line on the B206 and am happily building my turbine hours now rotating through the Cairns and Port Douglas bases.
What has been in the highlight of your flying career so far?
Passing final theory subject, passing CPL(H) in Dec ’04, and finally securing a great flying job with a great company in the most breath-taking natural environment on the planet !
What do you hope to be doing in 5 years from now?
Enjoying my flying, being challenged every day, continuing to learn and develop my flying skills ….. and getting paid a bit more !!!! By then – with lots of turbine time, machine endorsements and some more study (ATPL/IREX) I hope to be able to address the last of the list above !!
Advice to those persons looking for helicopter work?
I’d take that back to persons looking at helicopters as a career and from personal experience suggest that the following golden rules will aid in traversing the inevitably rocky road…..
1. Make sure that you can fund yourself for at least a year after you’ve completed your CPL to enable you to accept those jobs that pay a pittance and supplement whatever income you can achieve while you develop your skills, gain some hours and start to build your reputation in the industry. So many people come into flight school having been able to build the cash reserves from previous types of employment and by the end of the process are absolutely “skint”. That typically forces people into returning to the previous employment to re-build cash reserves and breaks the continuity and focus on the helicopter path. Many fail to make the transition back. I had to do it – and was very lucky.
2. Be confident that you can present and articulate skills other than your freshly minted CPL(H) to a prospective employer and be prepared to take a job that is not initially offering flying. I wasn’t hired at GBRH for my piloting skills – my flying opportunities developed as a result of my business planning and Sales & Marketing abilities – gained in that “other” life prior to flying.
3. Never forget – “It’s a 5 year plan” – Mike Becker quote ! ….. and if you really want it – you will make it happen