Congratulations Dave on gaining your CPL (passed Friday 30 November 2007). Great work!! Tell us about your adventure over the past six months?
Why did you want to fly helicopters?
For the adventure and a different perspective on the world.
Why did you choose Beckers?
Because of the team's attitude towards growth.
When did you start at Beckers?
June 2007
What was theory like?
Intensive and thorough, but made easier with patience and knowledge from Robin (Theory Instructor)
During theory how many hours a week would you study for your cyber exams?
As much as I possibly could.
Was it enough?
Yes! But more can only help!
Cyber exam thoughts?
Challenging. Be well prepared.
What was your first flight experience at Beckers like and who did you fly with?
B47 TIF flight with Dougie! Great day. Everyone was more than helpful including the students. Thanx Alex!!!
Best flying experience?
Flying to Byron Bay with my classmate and now lifetime friend Abhi.
Worst flying experience?
Flying hungover in Jetstar! from Sydney to Melbourne with a 50 minute wait on the tarmac. (Thank goodness you were hungover on a plane!)
What was your flight test like?
Nerveracking, but then empowering and absolute relief. Beckers prepares you well!
Where and what are going to do now?
Sunshine Coast for the moment. Study some more with IREX and Dangerous Goods. R44 endorsement then EVERYWHERE!! Flying in EVERY HELICOPTER! The world is calling me!
To Mike, Jan, Robin, Mez, Maraina, Ric, Bryan, Dougie, Perry, Kim, Neils, Tony and of course Mushu. You have given me something so special I can't put it into words. So much more than just a chopper licence. Thank you. I will never forget that gift to my life.
Advice to new students?
Relax! Enjoy the time at Beckers. Savour your friendships and bonds formed with your classmates and Instructors.
Your time at Beckers will be possibly the most challenging yet inspiring and empowering experience of your life.
Never, never, never give up!
YOU will become more than just an aviator!
... and take extra care of Mushu! Happy flying!!
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